Explore V3 NEW!!!
The new Explore v3 by Ozone has something to offer for everyone. Consistent pull through the wind window, instant de-power, minimal upward lift, relatively slow flying speed, and damage-resistant single surface design make the Explore V3 an amazing kite for entry level to advanced riders.
The Explore V3 has the same cell count, planform and aspect-ratio as the V2, yet through careful refinements, the design team have managed to:
1. Further reduce drag
2. Deliver increased control
3. Improve overall stability.
• Improved upwind performance: The addition of full-length battens helps reduce drag, making the kite perform better when flying upwind in stronger conditions.
• Enhanced stability and smoother power control: Adjustments to the bridle layout, including fewer tabs and lines, along with repositioning of key tabs, provide extra stability, smoother power modulation and improved bar feel.
• Better canopy tension and control: A more accurate arc and optimised bridle layout result in improved canopy tension, leading to better overall control and efficiency.
• Cleaner trailing edge: ‘Shrink’ brake tabs reduce drag and create a smoother, cleaner trailing edge, improving overall aerodynamics.
Better low wind performance for the 12m version.